Minggu, 29 April 2018

Cover Letter

Dear Sir, Madam

As a fresh graduate Graphic Designer from Binus University, I read your posting on Time (magazine) about Graphic Designer position for fresh graduate.

My skill and experience aligns well with the qualification you are seeking at Wizard Magazine. I am creative and good with graphic designing, and I am certain  I would make a valuable addition to your magazine.

Back in the college days, I have made many graphic design request with a proper fee. Designs I made mainly focus about logo, poster, photo manipulation, and advertisement.

In addition to my experience and personal qualities, I have solid educational foundation and a passion for a graphic designing. I am enthusiastic about Wizard Magazine focus on Digital Art and would welcome the opportunity to contribute to your Company.

Please review my attached Cover Letter for additional details regarding my skill. I will follow up to request an appointment to discuss how my experience and educational background meets your needs

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Noer Ardiyan D.P.

Minggu, 11 Maret 2018


I have this fear. It make my legs shaky, my hands sweaty, and my heart beating fast. My mind went blank and I suddenly had this urge to find the nearest item to grab on. The fear of falling keeps haunting my mind when I'm at high places. The feeling of plunging to death and you can't do anything about it.


It started when I was 7 years old. I was playing on a bed that is quite tall for a 7 year old kid. I was
jumping around with my brother. We made a little contest, who jump the highest, is the winner. So,
like every 7 year old kid, I gladly accepted the contest and I jumped as high as I could. Suddenly, I
lost my stepping and then I fell to the floor, head first. It felt like I had been headbutted by a turtle shell. It's so painful I can't even cry.

I got up and started to sat on a nearby chair. Since then, I'm afraid of height. After all this time avoiding high places, I try to conquer my fear. I started to visit high places and face my fear, even though I still have a few of acrophobia (fear of heights) remain in me.